Neighbour Built without Party Wall Agreement

Have you ever heard of a neighbor building without a party wall agreement? It`s a situation that can cause headaches for everyone involved, and something that you need to be aware of if you`re a property owner.

A party wall agreement is a legal document that outlines the rights and obligations of both parties when a party wall is shared between two properties. This is common in urban areas where buildings are close together, such as row houses.

If your neighbor decides to build a new wall or add onto their existing wall without obtaining a party wall agreement, it can create a number of problems. For example:

– Damage to your property: If the neighbor`s construction damages your property, you may be liable for the repairs.

– Disruption to your routine: Construction can be noisy and disruptive, so if your neighbor is building without a party wall agreement, you may have to deal with these disturbances for an extended period of time.

– Legal disputes: If a dispute arises between you and your neighbor over the party wall, you may have to go to court to resolve the issue, which is both costly and time-consuming.

So, what can you do if your neighbor is building without a party wall agreement? Here are some steps you can take:

1. Talk to your neighbor: The first step is to talk to your neighbor and try to resolve the issue informally. Explain the problems that their construction is causing and see if you can come to an agreement.

2. Hire a surveyor: If you can`t come to an agreement with your neighbor, you can hire a surveyor to assess the situation and recommend a course of action. This can be costly, but it may be necessary to protect your property.

3. Seek legal advice: If the situation escalates, you may need to seek legal advice from a property lawyer. They can advise you on your rights and responsibilities, and help you navigate any legal disputes that arise.

In conclusion, building without a party wall agreement can create a number of headaches for everyone involved. It`s important to be aware of your rights and responsibilities as a property owner, and to take action if your neighbor`s construction is causing problems. By working together, you can resolve the issue and protect your property.

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